News story
UN Youth Champions for Disarmament address formal plenary of the Conference on Disarmament on International Youth Day

On 12 August 2021, International Youth Day, UN Youth Champions for Disarmament delivered remarks to the formal plenary of the Conference on Disarmament during a dedicated session on Youth and Disarmament.
The dedicated session on youth and disarmament marks a significant milestone, inviting youth voices into the Conference on Disarmament’s discussions for the first time. The plenary meeting was a joint effort by Canada as the President of the Conference on Disarmament and its Member States to facilitate inclusive and meaningful participation of youth in inter-governmental processes.

UN Youth Champions for Disarmament Kirsten Mosey, originally from Canada, Linh Trang Phung, originally from Vietnam, Patrick Karekezi, born of Rwanda and raised in Uganda, and Christelle Barakat, originally from Lebanon, presented their recommendations for increasing youth engagement in disarmament efforts in their remarks.

The UN Youth Champions for Disarmament also provided their insight on the importance of youth participation, perspectives and partnerships in building a more sustainable and peaceful future for all.

In her concluding remarks, UN Youth Champion for Disarmament Kirsten Mosey invited the Conference on Disarmament to be a lighthouse for disarmament.
“Shine the brightest light possible on the issues facing our time, expose the gaps and the failures of our current system, and lead us safely to shore. You are well positioned, and well informed to be that beacon of hope and guide my generation, and my future, into the world that we want for ourselves.” - UN Youth Champion for Disarmament Kirsten Mosey to the Conference on Disarmament, 12 August 2021.

With thanks to the Conference on Disarmament’s interpreters, the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament’s remarks were translated into all 6 of the UN’s official languages during the session: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
In opening remarks to the plenary, the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, noted the special responsibility of the international community to ensure that the perspectives of youth are taken into account by facilitating the conditions that allow them to express their viewpoints and reach their full potential. “As in all other multilateral domains, inclusiveness is necessary to achieve the ultimate objectives of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control, and for the effectiveness and sustainability of the agreements that we reach and the work that we do,” the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs continued.

The Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, noted that the session signified a tremendous step towards engaging and empowering the leaders of tomorrow in opening remarks to the formal plenary, delivered by video message. “We must facilitate the conditions that allow them to reach and unleash their full potential. This session forms an exemplary platform in highlighting the significance and necessity to provide space for young people to actively participate,” Ms. Wickramanayake emphasised.

Speakers included, and listed in order of participation, the Republic of Korea (Ambassador and Youth Representative), Czech Republic (Youth Representatives), France (Youth Representative), Japan (Ambassador and Youth Representative), Belgium (Two Youth Representatives), Mexico (Delegate), Australia (Youth Representative), Cameroon (Ambassador), United States (Delegate), Algeria (Ambassador), Switzerland (Delegate), Pakistan (Delegate), India (Delegate), Sri Lanka (Delegate), China (Delegate), Kazakhstan (Delegate), Germany (Delegate), Russia (Delegate), and Austria (Delegate).

Statements from the session will be made available to read here, as well as digital recordings here. A meeting summary is also available here.
Be sure to also check out the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs’ opening remarks and the UN Youth Envoy’s opening remarks on the #Youth4Disarmament YouTube channel.
Find out more about the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament programme by visiting the dedicated webpage.