
Information materials 

  • Disarmament in Review (twice a week)
    • A collection of publicly available news articles and opinion pieces compiled and distributed to subscribers every Monday and Thursday
  • United Nations Disarmament Yearbook* (annual; preview edition in July; full edition in September)
    • Flagship publication of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
    • Concise reference tool on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control issues
    • Includes developments and trends, an issue-oriented timeline and explanatory graphics and charts
    • Annex on resolutions, status of treaties and other resources: a one-stop-shop to access recommended information materials for the subject year (publications/e-courses/key databases)
    • User-friendly: Accessible on mobile devices and available in multiple languages through third-party machine translation (see how: Chrome | Safari). Official translations in the six official languages of the United Nations will be uploaded as they become available
    • Preview edition (PDF and website formats): An advance and condensed version that provides an easy-to-read overview of the publication earlier in the year
    • Full edition (website format): Expands upon the preview edition. Provides more comprehensive information on the year’s activities
  • Occasional Papers* (biannual)
    • Features independently commissioned papers
    • Publishes edited presentations, papers or documents from key conferences, meetings or events in the area of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control
  • Civil Society and Disarmament* (annual)
    • Provides a forum for the views of civil society in order to further an informed debate on topical issues of arms limitation, disarmament and security
  • UNODA Update (e-publication)
    • Features articles that highlight recent UNODA events and activities and other disarmament forums
  • Disarmament Study Series (discontinued; replaced by "Expert Groups" in the UNODA Documents Library)
    • Contained studies of various groups of governmental experts
  • Other Publications

*Mandated by the General Assembly (see resolution 77/87).

Websites and social media 

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