Youth Community

Youth Champions for Disarmament at the UN Garden
Meylan RamosUN Youth Champions for Disarmament
Youth representation and the meaningful participation of young people in global decision-making is more critical than ever. Yet, despite this vast demographic presence, young voices are not well represented at the United Nations, especially in the United Nations General Assembly First Committee, where issues related to disarmament and international security are discussed. To address this gap, the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), together with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, brought ten of the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament on a study trip to United Nations Headquarters in New York from October 21 to 25.
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The journey of the broken and the hopeful – My Project as a UN Youth Champion for Disarmament
Roberta BojangUN Youth Champion for Disarmament

As part of the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament Training Programme, all participants were given the opportunity to create their own project to connect with other young people.

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Youth Champions reflect on first webinar
Charlotte Yeung, Sangeun Noh and Mihajlo MatkovićUN Youth Champions for Disarmament
Disarmament is critical to the United Nations’ mission for a peaceful world. As the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, described, it is the "DNA of the United Nations." From threats to use nuclear weapons being thrown around to guns fueling armed conflict, the threat that all weapons pose to humanity has never been greater since the Cold War. 5 March 2024 marked the second International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness (IDDNPA). It is fitting, then, that the first webinar for the United Nations Youth Champions for Disarmament training programme was held just a day before.
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Boyi's Presentation to the British School in Kathmandu
Boyi ZhangJunior Project Advisor for Youth and Disarmament
How does gender intersect with disarmament? Frankly, prior to my involvement with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), my understanding of this link was hazy. Yet, delving into disarmament issues through a gender perspective unveils a trove of previously undiscovered insights.  On 14 February 2024, with the strong support from my colleague Ida Scarpino, I was invited by the Prajnya Trust to give a lecture on Gender and Disarmament as part of the February 2024 edition of the Peace and Gender Lunchtime Lecture series. With this post, I would also like to share some of my findings with you.
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The UN Youth Champions for Disarmament attend second webinar as part of the training programme, made possible with financial support from the Government of Germany.
Jutomue Doetein, Magritte Gordaneer, and Safayet Zamil NowshanUN Youth Champions for Disarmament

For our second webinar, the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament came together to learn more about the first pillar of the UN Secretary-General’s Agenda for Disarmament - 'Disarmament to Save Humanity' – and our role to support efforts to create a safer, more peaceful future for a

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UNODA’s Leaders to the Future arrive at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria to engage with UN Offices, UN Member States, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders.
Sofia PolishchukUNODA's Leader to the Future and #Leader4Tomorrow
The Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine remains one of the biggest threats to international peace and security. As geopolitical tensions and nuclear risk continue to rise, young people have a duty to educate themselves on the risk of nuclear catastrophe and help create solutions to achieve and safeguard international peace and security
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Musa Carew (Peace Drive's Team Lead) presenting on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Musa Carew#Leader4Tomorrow
I’m Musa Carew, a #Leader4Tomorrow with the #Youth4Disarmament Initiative, and both founder and Team Lead of Peace Drive, an organization that provides tools, and development tips to youth, and community based organizations on how to localize the Sustainable Development Goals in our various communities; especially in (post-) conflict zones where people struggle to maintain their fundamental right of human dignity. Ahead of the first Meeting of States Parties (MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), Peace Drive organized a workshop in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on 15 June 2022, for 60 young persons.
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Isabella Duque Muñoz reflects on her internship with the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Isabella Duque Muñoz#Youth4Disarmament Member
As a Colombian, I grew up in a nation marked by violence and armed conflict. These matters seized my interest from a very young age; learning about them felt vital to understanding my country and the factors that drive conflicts around the world. In 2016, Colombia signed a historic peace agreement and began a process of laying down arms. Witnessing these developments confirmed my passion for issues of peace, security and disarmament, as well as development in emerging countries. I wanted to get involved and make my own contribution. But when I moved to France in 2019 to pursue my master’s degree in international relations and diplomacy, I discovered that the competition for opportunities can be fierce. As I applied for internships around the world, I faced questions and concerns not just about my lack of related professional experience, but also about my status as a young Latin American woman.
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Youth Champions last official training session
Christelle Barakat and Waleed HelmyYouth Champions for Disarmament

On 27 October, the 10 UN Youth Champions for Disarmament gathered online for our last official training session.

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Proudly presenting the finished video to help guide high school students on key topics at the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Academic Lecture 2020: Disarmament and Peace”, held on 7 November 2020 in Seoul.
Mark Min Seong Kim UNODA/UNDPPA Northeast Asia Youth Steering Committee Member

How can we make more young people aware of the importance of disarmament?

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Gender and Disarmament vitual meeting photo
Palesa Mogorosi and Kirsten MoseyYouth Champions for Disarmament
They stood for thirty minutes in silence before singing "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika", followed by a song for women's freedom:           Wathint' abafazi,           wathint' imbokodo, uza kufa!           (When you strike the women, you strike a rock,           you will be crushed!) This 1956 rallying call from the Women’s March in South Africa reminds us of women’s political power. But in the debate for disarmament, where are all the women?
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meeting between the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and civil society advocates
Christelle Barakat and Dilan Ezgi KoçYouth Champions for Disarmament

On 14 September 2020, the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament attended a meeting between the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and civil society advocates working on many of the same issues.

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Virtual meeting screenshot
Dilan Ezgi Koç and Linh Trang PhungYouth Champions for Disarmament
After watching a UN ceremony commemorating the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament had a valuable opportunity to learn from two UNODA staff members about the 21st-century challenges and implications of conventional weapons, including their relationship with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. To start the discussion, Ms. Katherine Prizeman of UNODA’s Conventional Arms Branch talked about the use and risks of explosive weapons in populated areas. She also explained how the UN is responding to this issue under the Secretary-General's Agenda for Disarmament.
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Screenshot of virtual meeting participants
Patrick Karekezi and Dilan Ezgi KoçYouth Champions for Disarmament

The UN Youth Champions for Disarmament recently had an opportunity to learn from two members of UNODA’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Branch. They reminded us that we can reshape the world if we work together to free it from nuclear, biological and chemical arms.

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Virtual Meeting of Youth Champions
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
Meeting virtually for the first time, the group tackled subjects ranging from new technologies and nuclear threat, to the urbanisation of conflict and the engagement of young people,  highlighted under “A New Era of Conflict and Violence”as part of the ongoing UN75 effort.
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